Once upon a time there were twin sisters that decided to have a business together. "What kind of business should we have?" asked 5 minute older twin. They thought and thought and thought about something they would love to do. "I know," said 5 minute younger twin, "What about a vinyl business?" "You're a genius!" said 5 minute older twin. That's how their story began...
5 minute older twin researched and ordered everything they would need. They were so excited when the vinyl machine arrived and watched patiently as their hubbies put it together. With everything hooked up they checked out the software. After a few minutes they just looked at each other as they felt the wind go out of their sails a bit. "I think it looks like it's in Japanese." said the 5 minute younger twin. "Now what?" Well, 5 minute older twin is really the genius and EVENTUALLY she figured it out 'cause she's smart like that. HA! They were happy twins.
They started making lots of pretty things with the vinyl machine only to find out 5 minute younger twin couldn't get them to stick to the tape without help. Only the white vinyl would work. 5 minute older twin found sisters online that have a vinyl business and they suggested a different kind of tape. (So much for the small fortune they had wrapped up in the 3 rolls they already purchased. They figured it was a lesson learned) The new tape arrived and still the same problem. They decided to make signs using vinyl because 5 minute younger twin could lift the letters herself. 5 minute younger twin wasn't lovin' all the painting, sanding, repainting, fighting with the stupid tape, etc. They both felt their dream had gone in another direction from what they had wanted when they first started their business. 5 minute older twin suggested calling the sweet sisters back (after months of frustration) and ask them a few more questions. Those sisters are the sweetest, most helpful ladies you will ever know. Come to find out, WE STILL HAD THE WRONG TAPE!! While 5 minute older twin does all the ordering, 5 minute younger twin did not get mad that they spent all those months suffering. She is such a forgiving soul. HA! Don't forget, 5 minute older twin called her a genius. (Incase you're wondering it's that genius that is writing this post.)
Anyway, their new tape is on it's way and the possibilities are ENDLESS! They are going into more of the WALL ART. Their Etsy shop will be completely different and they are so excited. 5 minute older twin and 5 minute younger twin ( the genius) will live happily ever after.
P.S. If there is anything you would like to see in our Etsy shop please let us know. THANKS
The Twins :o)
What a fun story! Going to check out your esty shop now.
This sounds like the song about the knot on the log....ever heard that?? Funny post today, and I wish you the very best with your new endeavors!
What a cute post! I look forward to seeing what else you ladies come up with. Glad you figured out what kind of tape to use ;-)
Hi girls! I always get exicited when I see that y'all have posted...I love them long ones too. Makes me feel special..hehe. Thank you! You asked about the stats. If you go back to my blog and see where it says in red blogstats are something like that. Click on it and it will take you to a site. You can join and it will keep track for you. Hope it helps. Thanks again! Susie
Just read your post on Susie's blog. How very true your comments were!!There are so many bloggers out there who DO think they are "a bag of potato chips..." I have figured out who I think are the fakies and who are the real ones out there. What I can't figure out is why they still have so many groupies?! LOL Oh well, I know the saying to which I need to adhere ~ "... to thine own self be true."
Oh and check out sitemeter if you're interested in stats. You can set it so not everyone else can see things and is private only to you...
Hi, twin..
that was a great story..and the work you have done for me (both times :O) has been wonderful.
I keep waiting for my grand to get her's ready to take a photo of so I can show it on my blog...
Good luck with your new tape..and be sure to come by to see me..
xo bj
Oh what a sweet story. One day I wish all us sisters could get together...
What a fun story!
Good luck with your drying! They are so neat to decorate with . I have those flowers all over my house now~ Enjoy your day!
Hi girls. That is so sweet of you! I will email her and see if she wont mind me putting her name out there. I would hate to hurt any felings..you know~ I will tell her about your request to be sweet and visit! Have a good one~
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