Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Biggest Loser Meanies

 Twin and I love The Biggest Loser. What those contestants do is nothing short of amazing. I usually watch the show while on the treadmill. It seems it's the only time I'm on it. I've got to change that. Anyway, have you seen a pattern starting on the show? It's The Meanies. This season it's Melissa.

Do you think she's being honest when she says she tried to lose weight when she gained a pound two weeks ago and then lost just one last week? Or was she playing the game because she had immunity? Funny how she lost 11 pounds this week after her confrontation with Jillian. I think people who lie or have bad behavior make up a lot of excuses for it and that's what it seemed she was doing.

She gave the extra 2 pounds to Miggy and Migdalia claiming she expected big numbers from them so the 2 pounds wouldn't hurt. Did you see the grin on her face when they fell below the yellow line?

Last season the meanie was Tracey. She too played the game from the start. But I think the biggest meanie and the one that started  it all was Vicky. Remember her? I also wonder if another pattern will be the same for Melissa as it was for Tracey and Vicky, the meanies don't win. They also walk away not making many friends. Most of the contestants form a family and a lot become life long friends. The meanies may lose weight but they also lose so much more, don't ya think?

is having a give away. She is one talented lady. Go on now run don't walk. Get yourself entered. You'll be glad ya did

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Disappointing shopping trip

Twin and I made a trip to Home Goods Saturday. The closest one to us is over an hour away. We hadn't been for a while and thought we'd find a lot. That didn't happen.

I only found a few things. I was looking for plates to finish out the wall in the dining room. I did find some apples, a couple platters and these sweet bird bottles.

Don't know where I'll put them yet but I'm sure I'll figure out something. Twin who usually is quite the shopper spent $3.00 all day. She's been a little under the weather :o)

I have two of these shelves in the dining room. One on each side of the french doors. I can't wait until I can find what I'm looking for so I can have at least one room complete~it's lookin' kind of pitiful.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Decorating on top of cabinets

 I looked at cabinets at a kitchen store when we were building 10 years ago, and I fell in love with the scattered bumped out look.

The corner cabinets are larger and stick out farther than the others. I loved the idea of decorating the tops. It's harder than I thought though. One reason is with the crown molding added and not so high ceilings, I don't have as much room as I would like.

Everything needs to be put on a box so it can be seen above the crown molding and some things I'd love to put on top just won't fit.

I'm still happy over all with the look. Can you believe it's been 10 years and I still don't have hardware? I never cared for the hardware that came with the cabinets and always thought I'd either spray paint it or purchase something else but never did...yet.

A little faux greenery with the hopes of spring coming soon.

This is above the desk in the breakfast room. The cabinet is hung lower so it has more space up above. This picture wouldn't fit above the kitchen cabinets.

Do you have open space above your cabinets and if so, what do you like to display?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Finding it a "HOME"

Have you ever bought a piece of furniture and when you brought it home you were not sure where to put it? I bought this a little over a year ago at Farm and Fleet. Yes, Farm and Fleet (twin got one too) I think it was around $169.00. I remember I got 1/2 off. My first plan was to put it in our master bedroom.

I had it in my master bedroom for about a year. I wasn't loving it there. I thought about painting it but didn't. Something just wasn't right. Then I tried it in the upstairs hallway. Didn't love it there either.

Just before Christmas I moved it to the entry way. I think I finally found it a "home". I really like it here. 
Now I just need to make a trip to Home Goods to find some great things to fill it up. Most everything in it is temporary. Yep, more shopping. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prayers for Payton answered

Payton had surgery this afternoon and is in recovery. The doctor thinks the tumor is benign. Praise God.

On a lighter note: my son John was in our local paper tonight because is a 2010 State Scholar. We are so proud of him!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayers for Payton

Our friend's grandson played youth football last fall until he started having back pain. The doctor took an xray and said it was a pulled muscle. It didn't get any better and he even went to the emergency room a couple times. They didn't do anything more for him. Finally my girlfriend took him back to the doctor herself and insisted on an MRI. The results show a tumor on his lower spine. They are taking him to a Children's Hospital this morning where they will be doing tests the next two days. Please keep him in your prayers.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cleaning Up Our Blog For The New Year

We are changing things up a bit this year with our blog. We put our baby pictures up in the header. To tell you the truth we are not sure who is who! We think Fern is on the left and Fran the right just like in this picture. We looked so much a like when we were younger. No one knows for sure who is who but we think we have it figured out! Part of our goals for 2010 was to not be so hard on ourselves and to take some time for US! So we started with new highlights and bought a work out video. Now we just need to get motivated! Stay tuned.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

One more project off our To Do List :o)

We went from this...
To this! I know if you watch any of those decorating shows they tell you no ceiling fans but we love ours. It keeps you warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. You have to just switch the direction of the fan blades to the season. It's clockwise for winter and counter clockwise for summer. This fan has a HEATER! Love it. Hubby's back is feeling better so we are back to our list of projects. One more down...LOTS more to go :o) Have a great weekend everyone.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Not New Years Resolutions~just goals

It seems hard to stick with a New Years resolution past the first week so Twin and I are setting some goals for the new year.

1. GETTING BETTER ORGANIZED I think most people feel that with the new year. I want there to be a place for everything and everything in its place...except the kids rooms. That would be a dream come true and I'd be kidding myself to think that would happen. Let's be realistic.

2. NOT TO BE SO HARD ON OURSELVES Are most women this way? Twin and I criticize ourselves quite often. You know, how you feel you don't quite measure up when you compare yourself to someone else. I'm going to quit wishing we had our friend Wendy's body (she's the only person I know over 40 that looks awesome in a bikini) and either start working out and get toned or drop her as a friend, which ever is easier! ;0) HA!

3. LEARN MORE ON THE COMPUTER I'm going to learn how to download pictures on this blog so I don't have to ask Twin or one of my kids to do it. And improve this blog. I feel we just throw something on most of the time and I can't expect anyone else to read it if I think it's boring myself. HA. Twin is constantly telling me to post stuff and I keep telling her no one is interested in my junk!! Hmm maybe if I get over goal number 2, I'll be better at goal number 3.

4. LIVE IN THE MOMENT I'm so focused on what needs to be done that I don't embrace the now. I focus on what I didn't do as opposed to what I have accomplished. Again I think I need to refer to goal number 2. I'm starting to see a pattern here. If Twin and I accomplish goal number 2, it may be the answer to achieving all of our goals.

Well, there you have it. Twin and I are off to work on goal number 2 starting with getting highlights this afternoon. Then it's back home and on the treadmill so I can look fabulous in my thong by summer...wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Can you help me?

Two years ago, my teenaged son had a couple of fingers and a toe that were swollen. At one point one finger was so swollen, he couldn't straighten his hand. It was like the tendons were tight. The doctor put him on steriods and took blood and xrays. Everything came back fine,no arthritis. I was so thankful but still didn't know the cause. Eventually all went back to normal. Then last year in February, the same thing. It wasn't as bad but a few fingers were swollen again. This morning his pinky finger is swollen and he told me a toe was last week. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I've googled and googled and can't find an answer. If you have any ideas please let me know. I've worried about this for 2 years and I'm not sure of what to do next. Thanks~Fran

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Hardware

Hubby had 4 days off and I had big plans for him! Unfortunately he put his back out and can't get an adjustment until Monday! So much for those plans of mine. But he did get one thing done for me. I got my hardware put on. We bought Oil Rubbed Bronze and Antique Nickel.
We put the Antique nickel on the island. We are mixing the two finishes through out the kitchen.
I picked out four different designs.
I was thinking my cabinet were looking too white and when we put the hardware on it just popped out the brown glaze. We really needed something quick because the drawers all self close and they are like suction cups and you really had to tugged on some of them to get them opened.
We chose these knobs to go on the little drawers next to the sink.
We chose these for the larger drawers.
We actually need a few more of these. We were 4 short.
If you need hardware for your cabinets I suggest you try ebay. We got ours from here
I thought they were VERY reasonable. They only charge one set shipping no matter how many you order so that saved a lot too.