What is up with bad language on t.v.? I've heard the oldest three children say p*ssed on this show and it wasn't bleeped out. I'm sorry but I would never allow my teenagers to use that word. They say it like it's no big deal but to me it's a cuss word and I've never heard a cuss word I found cute coming out of any child's mouth. Say what you want when you're an adult, it doesn't bother me but not from a kid and not on t.v.
Another thing, what's up with their messy house? They remodeled the kitchen and family room and then trashed them. Since when is the stairs and the floor a hamper? I wonder how long it will be now that they have added on to junk that space up too. My house isn't perfect either but I don't have a film crew in it. If you don't care to clean it's o.k. but you have a weekly t.v. show...get a housekeeper! You can afford one now.

About a week ago I watched Saving Grace for the first time and I am so thankful I wasn't watching it with my kids. Grace (I think that is her name since it's in the title) went to the bar parking lot and saw her guy friend slumped in the seat of his truck. She went over to see what was wrong with him and a woman's head popped up. Then they used the word bl*w j*b. I was shocked. She also said the word sh*t twice. We're not talking HBO or Showtime here people, it was TNT.

Tuesday they showed some of this show, The Real Housewives Of New Jersey. I watch all of the other Housewives and thought it was nice to get a sneak peek at this one. I was watching with my teen aged daughter and they showed a guy going into a house and one of the other Housewives said he was getting his daily bl*w j*b.!! I guess anything goes now. I'm not a prude but I think it's hard to watch any t.v. with your family now a days. Even young children may not pay attention to what's on but they can certainly pick up the bad language by listening. And do you know of any parent that would like to explain what a bl*w j*b is to an 8 year old? What happened to morals and values? I think there is a time and place for everything and our kids grow up way to fast as it is. What's next, porn on daytime t.v.? And don't even get me started on commercials... !@#$%
I hear you! We mostly watch stuff like The Discovery Channel et al these days.
I agree. I feel like I am a hawk watching to see what my kids will pick up by just watching tv. UGH!
My parents (my dad especially) really got mad at me when I was 22 yrs old for saying freakin'. I was just brought up being told that some words are just cuss words.
Oh I am SO with you on this!!! My 10 year old is starting to hear all kinds of things and asking about them. She is still taking true but simple explanations at the moment but it won't be long before she needs to know more....UGG!
Wow! I haven't watched any of the shows you mention here but have seen them on looking for something else. I know what you mean, TV is really nasty now! There was a hamburger commercial on the other day that was very seductive, I thought to myself, these people have sex on the brain, I really don't have any desire to make eating a hamburger sexy. Deb
Wouldn't nothing surprise me anymore. The morales are gone in this world. So sad !
We rarely watch tv, because of this and because of the content or subject of the shows now. We tend to watch Murder She Wrote reruns and things like that. We used to watch Biography, but that seems to be mostly serial killers and such, these days. A&E is the same. I don't know what's going on, but I am dismayed.
On a happier note...I came by to say Happy Easter!
You are so right. With all the channels that there is offered and there are actually hardly any to choose from. My kids are grown and yet it is still disturbing.
Remember when they did bra ads on TV and they had to put the bra over a turtle neck on the model? Now it seems nothing is off limits and the stuff they are feeding us isn't for family viewing that's for sure. I remember watching Love Boat with my parents and being embarrassed by the adult content on that show...sheeesh now it would be considered MILD!
I used to like watching Little People Big World but last season they started to really get on my nerves. I don't understand the chaos in the house either...I'd be so embarrassed for people all over the place to see my house like that.
I am with you on this. TV is getting so trashy these days. Morales have certainly lowered since I was a kid. I used to watch Little People, Big World also. I quit b/c of the same reason. I usually stick with AI, Dancing with the Stars, Celebrity Apprentice, and Lost. I am watching Grey Anatomny...but don't know how much longer. Geting more raunchy every week.
So True! I don't have any TV stations where I live without paying for them and so I just don't have any. I sometimes miss a few of the shows that I really used to like but overall I actually get more done because I am not saying, "Just one more show and then I will get up". lol. When I am at my parents house and we watch stuff I agree. It is HORRIBLE what they are saying and doing now days!
On a funny side note-- I work for B*st B*y (All about the newest technology) and when I tell my co-workers that I don't have a TV they always say, "WHAT??? And you work here?" lol. I say, "Yeah, I know, They may not have hired me if they knew that!" lol
Oh my... I could ramble on and on about this topic!!!! I agree completely with you. Television shows have gotten so out of hand when it comes to language and sexual content. And the kids today have such "potty mouths" in my opinion.
When my two boys were probably three and four, we were on an escalator at a mall and there was a group of teenagers behind us using f*ck, as*h*le, etc. I was shocked!!! I couldn't believe they were using that type of language around me and my two young sons. As a teenager...first of all I would not of used that kind of language and on the rare occassion that i did use a curse word, I NEVER did it around other people other than my peers. Todays kids just don't care...no sense of respect for other people.
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