Thursday, December 23, 2010

What a journey it has been!!

It has really been a journey. Fran is still at her daughter's house and will be there until after Christmas.  Missy did not have an easy time. I have told her over and over she is my hero. She never once complained. Perhaps, Fran will share with all of you when she gets home, but until then I just had to share another picture of Crew!


Auntie D said...

How precious! And I love his name!! :)What a great Christmas gift!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Beautiful! What a precious gift! Hope mommie is recovering quickly...

Merry Christmas

Lou Cinda

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Christmas Blessings to you and your family, From my mountain to yours Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Cynthia said...

What a gorgeous little guy! I'm sorry the delivery was rough- had one of those too. She's really lucky that Fran can be there to take care of her. I think my kids wouldn't have survived if my MIL hadn't come to stay after Anna was born (and the hospital messed me up so I couldn't care for the kids).

Shell in your Pocket said...

How very sweet!

sandy toe