There have been a lot of changes in the last season or two. None that I like. Ever since they started getting freebies-Kate's tummy tuc (I was happy for her on that one), Jon's hair transplant, teeth whitening, Colorado trip, remarriage in Hawaii, Oh and Kate was on Say Yes To The Dress-getting a free dress for the wedding, free washers and dryers and who knows what all, things seem to have changed.( I got A LOT of the information I'm sharing with you from articles on line.)
On the earlier shows there was sweet SIL Jodi who watched the kids A LOT for Kate. She is no longer on the show. It has been written that TLC was going to start paying her but Kate said " No one gets paid but our family." Bye bye Aunt Jodi. Then there was her bestfriend Beth. They say she wrote the majority of the book Multiple Bles8ings. She's no longer around. I know they said Jon and Kate don't have anything to do with Kate's parents and Jon's mom (his dad died). They have NEVER been on the show. It said on line it began when Kate's dad who is a minister, asked the people in his church if they would help the couple. They donated cribs but Kate didn't want them because they didn't match and wanted cash instead.
Now they are ALONE in a new 1.3 million dollar home they bought. Kate is busy peddling the book they wrote. One hometown paper talked about how she came to promote her book and when someone asked her a question she was quick to let them know she doesn't do questions and if you weren't already in line for your copy of the book to be signed not to bother because she wasn't staying long enough.
Sometimes they speak at churches for a love offering. No pictures of the family are to be taken because they have brought their own to be sold at $20.00 each. Oh and cash only.
Kate has always been a bit short with Jon but now there are times she is just plain rude to him. She is so lucky to have this man. He is a great father and maybe more of a mother than her to tell you the truth. She is constantly cutting him down and no one does things as well as she does. Its been hard to watch lately. The show seems to be 75% Kate and 25% the rest of the family.
Don't even get me started on their daughter Maddy. That child needs some serious discipline. She is a bit like her mother. I hate to say this too because I loved Kate before.
And while we're on the subject of multiples, I agree Nadya the woman that had 8 babies already had plenty but she was inseminated with 6 and ended up having two sets of identical twins in the mix. Kate had 6 with no twins so she must have been inseminated with atleast 6 embryos too don't you think? So why didn't anyone question why she was inseminated with so many when they are saying it's wrong for implanting 6 in Nadya?
Anyway, thanks for listening to my drama!! I'm just so disappointed in a show I loved. But I guess it just goes to show that sometimes money does change people. I'd rather have Aunt Jodi and my bestfriend Beth. What about you?
Thanks for stopping by. I am sure Susie has stopped by to read the kind words shared by her friends. She loves to blog, so I am hoping it won't be long before she will be bloggin again. Thank you for the bottom of my heart for being so kind...MISSY
Oh and on another note I to have seen the changes in Jon and Kate. I thought it was just me,but I agree Kate is a little snappy with Jon.
I have never seen the show, but I heard lots about it. I think there are lots of other viewers who feel the way you do.
I agree completely with everything you said. I dont even watch anymore. I dont like rude greedy people. ;)
Once upon a time it was one of my fav shows. I stopped watching about 2 years ago when I couldn't handle Maddy's increasingly rude mouth and behavior. It saddens me to see from reading that things seem to have gotten worse and that greed has taken over.
I used to be a fellow watcher myself a couple of years ago. I too quit because I didn't like how she treated Jon. Thanks for catching me up on what I have been missing...whick sounds like same song, only worse!
I love the show but I have noticed too the changes and I didn't like them, before they were just a regular family showing how they raise 8 kids, now they travel all around the country and have V.I.P visits to shows and events, It is not a regular family anymore is more a celebrity one...
I too used to LOVE and watch the show....but it became a bit much. I also can't stand that they don't seem to discipline Maddy. It started seeming to me that it was all money, money, money for Kate so I quit watching.
I also agree. At first I thought it was just my opinion. I never have liked the way she treated Jon
Thanks for posting this, because I too had stopped watching
I just stumbled upon your blog (I have ID twin daughters). I totally agree with everything you have said about the show. Anyway, cute blog!
I've noticed those changes, too, and I totally agree! I hope things will turn around for them. I know Kate knows the Lord, so hopefully He will open her eyes to some things that need to change.??
PS-I have identical twin daughters who are 17!
I am loving your blog! And I love this post. I, too, at first loved the show. I have twin daughters so I was intrigued with the show. Then I found the blog of Jodi's sister who pretty much told how Kate truly was in real life - Wow! What a bossy person. Ugh, I stopped watching it!
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