Today I want to talk about Downton Abbey. With the third season starting, I heard so much about it and wanted to see what it was all about. I watched both season 1 and 2 on hulu plus. Fern doesn't have hulu plus so she watched it on amazon. I sat down thinking I would watch an episode or two and ended up watching the whole first season. If you haven't watched yet, grab your favorite snack and get comfortable because it's hard to stop once you start. It's like a good book where you think, just one more chapter and then I'll get something done. I've been know to cook dinner with a book in my hand.
Like a well written book, the characters come alive and you find yourself thinking about them and wondering what will happen next. From the Crawley family to the maids, footmen, and cooks, each as important as the next. I never thought I would ever watch English t.v. but this is fabulous. I'm hooked and the only downside is the wait for each season. Are you watching? If so, do you love it too?